Richard Dawkins Praises...Elon Musk?
Richard's books and speeches were a critical part of my deconstruction. What the hell happened to him?
Goddammit, Richard. You're killing me.
It gives me no pleasure, but given Elon Musk's history, claims, and behaviors, I can't let Dawkins' "welfare of the world" line pass without comment. Sorry for length.
Elon pals around with the cretinous Tucker Carlson, who pals around with the even more cretinous Andrew Tate. Google either if you want to lose your appetite.
In September, Elon posted that "atheism left an empty space; secular religion took its place." He also called child-free adults agents of "hedonism."
Elon believes the Border Security Bill was a trojan horse to create Democrat voters.
He blasted the "evil" George Soros for buying 200 radio stations as propaganda tools. Elon apparently forgot about X.
He called climate change interventions "communism."
In November 2023, he claimed that Jews promoted white hatred.
He believes acknowleding and teaching the racism of our past = hating white people.
His attempt at political commentaries included the 3/2/24 confusion about why NATO continued to exist after the Warsaw Pact had been dissolved. The Warsaw Pact actually came after NATO.
In March of 2024, he pledged not to donate to either presidential candidate, because in his 4/27/22 words, "For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral." Then he went full MAGA.
Elon welcomed Alex Jones to his platform. I need say no more about Jones and Sandy Hook.
He spread anti-vax nonsense, including the false implication that Myocarditis is a side effect of the vaccine and more dangerous. Myocarditis risks double following a COVID infection, which makes the vaccine the safer route.
He teamed with Joe Rogan to bait Dr. Peter Hotez in the wake of RFK Jr's interview. This resulted in hate mail, death threats, and a guy showing up at Hotez's home.
For some weird reason, he claimed that Muhammad is the most popular boy's name in most European countries. Not even close.
He mused about why nobody was trying to assassinate Biden/Harris, and he posted a photo of Fredo's "Godfather" execution with the sentence, "They're taking Biden fishing soon."
Elon shared batshit Pizzagate nonsense.
He wanted to prosecute reputable scientist and public servant Dr. Anthony Fauci as a criminal.
He thinks SSRIs do more harm than good.
In the wake of Taylor Swift's Harris endorsement, he posted, "Fine win...I will give you a child and guard your cats with my life." Creepy.
Check the Super Bowl photos of Musk hanging with Saudi princes and Rupert Murdoch.
Elon arbitrarily closed down Starlink communications during Ukraine military operations. He controls 2/3 of the world's satellites. This is terrifying power for one man.
To see these and other Elon-related red flags, one must not be an archivist, scholar, investigative reporter, or genius. One must only be (wait for it) mildly observant.
Beyond the Elon praise, another recent WTF moment came this past April when Richard told the world he’s now a cultural Christian. This is the same man who penned these words:
Dawkins says he embraces the religion’s aesthetic while believing none of its claims. Religious media huffed and waved this as proof that even the planet’s most famous atheist knows Christianity is good for the world.
If you’ll pardon the expression…Jesus.
Richard Dawkins' decline grieves me. A once great legacy has turned into lazy, unhelpful, and often jaw-droppingly wrongheaded claims which cheat his half-decade as an educator and activist. He helped me in my deconstruction. This doesn't negate the harm he's doing now.
Hurts the heart.
Looking at Dawkins description of God, I see a excellent description of Trump, so maybe his cultists have a accurate reason to worship him. And that proves why Religion is dangerous.
Very disappointed Dawkins has drunk the rightwing propaganda koolaid. It doesn’t surprise me since I noticed that he’d bought into the Rowling antitrans rhetoric as well